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Jun 2017

AkerBP : Petrophysics Challenge

Aker BP recently challenged the mathematics and coding community in Trondheim to develop a data trending and visualization front-end tool for oil well data. A lot of people put their name up for that, and the competition will be kicked off at Work-Work the 16th of June 15:30. Last-minute registrations will also be possible, but Sunday 18th of June 24:00 is the absolute deadline.

In short, the session will start with a 45 minute presentation briefing on what petrophysics is and why it is valuable in the oil- and gas industry. After receiving this initial information it will be easier for you to relate to the various coefficients that you will work with later. We will also give some examples of what we are looking for and we will have time for a round of questions. The presentation will detail how the final product should be delivered and how we will score the different contributions.

The data will be made available Monday 19th of June 12:00 (Dropbox), while the presentation slides will be made available directly after so that you can still take part in the challenge if you are unable to attend the kick-off. The contestants have 3 weeks from 19th of June 12:00 to deliver their contributions. Aker BP will provide beer and snacks, so save the date and get ready for an evening with discussions on technology, petrophysics and digital innovation.

To repeat the challenge:

“Aker BP has created an SQL database for well data from oil exploration and development wells on the Norwegian continental shelf. These data are mostly point data and of limited use outside the well they stem from. To create additional value, the data could be extended between- and beyond wellbores. Since the data have already been organized, the task of trending versus various filters is strictly reduced to a mathematical or programming type of problem – a great fit for Trondheim’s sprawling mathematics and coding communities.

In simple terms, the dataset is comprised of geographical X and Y coordinates of the wells and rock parameters A, B, C etc. measured versus depth. The oil industry has its set ways of handling such problems, but mathematically there is a host of ways to solve these kinds of problems. Aker BP wants a fresh take on this problem. We simply ask “given well X/Y and measurements a, b, c at a certain depth, what would you estimate the values a*, b*, c* to be 500 meters away from the well in a given direction?”.

The first prize is a contract worth 200 000 NOK to develop the front-end for the complete database. The second prize is a contract worth 50 000 NOK to improve second best idea. Other good ideas not reaching first- or second place will be merited by Aker BP.”